13. December 2023 New SAP Book Release – A Practical Guide to Cybersecurity Governance for SAP Don’t miss our latest book release A Practical Guide to Cybersecurity Governance for SAP by Julie Hallett and Sarah Hallett Reeves.There is a lot of misunderstanding about how to apply cybersecurity principles to SAP software. Management expects that the SAP security team is prepared to implement a full cybersecurity project to integrate SAP software into a new or existing company cybersecurity program. It’s not that simple. This book provides a practical entry point to cybersecurity governance that is easy for an SAP team to understand and use. It breaks the complex subject of SAP cybersecurity governance down into simplified language, accelerating your efforts by drawing direct correlation to the work already done for financial audit compliance. Build a practical framework for creating a cyber risk ruleset in SAP GRC 12.0, including SOX, CMMC, and NIST controls. Learn how to plan a project to implement a cyber framework for your SAP landscape. Explore controls and how to create control statements, plan of action and milestone (POA&M) statements for remediating deficiencies, and how to document con- trols that are not applicable. The best controls in the world will not lead to a successful audit without the evidence to back them up. Learn about evidence management best practices, including evidence requirements, how reviews should be conducted, who should sign off on review evidence, and how this evidence should be retained.Introduction to cybersecurity framework compliance for SAP software SAP-centric deep dive into controls How to create a cyber risk ruleset in SAP GRC Implementing a cyber framework for your SAP landscapeStart reading now!
16. November 2023 New Release – The SAP Material Master in SAP S/4HANA – a Practical Guide (3rd edition) Don’t miss the 3rd edition of the best-selling book The SAP Material Master in SAP S/4HANA – A Practical Guide by Matthew Johnson and Jawad Akhtar.Delve into this updated best-selling guide on SAP Material Master! Updated to cover key updates to the SAP Material Master in SAP S/4HANA, this guide walks through basic concepts on how to tailor the SAP Material Master to your production environment, as well as learn detailed information on material master settings and their impacts. This book provides the opportunity for readers to better understand their unique environments and how to make the SAP Material Master work for them. This guide provides best practices for how to approach common scenarios, and offers cost-saving tips. Find out why planning is the most important (and often overlooked) aspect of understanding the SAP Material Master. Review how material master settings impact FI/CO and other SAP modules. This third edition incorporates feedback from readers, and includes solution updates, new information on advanced planning views, extended service parts planning views, and the SAP Fiori app for Material Master. By using practical examples, tips, and screenshots, the authors bring readers up to speed on best practices for optimal use of the SAP Material Master.Fundamental SAP Material Master concepts How settings impact other modules in SAP Cost-effective procurement and planning techniques Inventory and quality management best practicesStart reading now!
23. October 2023 New Spanish-language book release: SAP Héroes Don’t miss our latest Spanish-language book release SAP Héroes by Isa Bodur and translated by Francisco José Ramírez. Keep reading to learn more! Han pasado 20 años desde que entré en contacto por primera vez con SAP. Tras licenciarme, empecé mi primer trabajo en una consultora internacional. Durante la entrevista de presentación con mi jefe de entonces, me preguntó: “¿Quieres dedicarte a SAP?”. – Recuerdo perfectamente que pensé: “Hmm… SAP… ¿Qué es eso?”. Así que salí de su despacho sin darle una respuesta concreta. Enseguida fui a hablar con un compañero de trabajo: “Oye Jochen, dime, ¿debería dedicarme a SAP? “Su respuesta fue firme y precisa: “Por supuesto, hazlo, es un seguro de vida”.En estos 20 años, he tenido la suerte de participar en varios proyectos internacionales de SAP, de ayudar a dar forma a los procesos corporativos y de conocer a mucha gente interesante.Por supuesto, acumular muchos conocimientos de SAP en las áreas de diseño de procesos, personalización, diseño de interfaces y tecnología SAP no ha pasado desapercibido durante este tiempo. En 2018, había empezado a publicar estas experiencias regularmente en mi blog https://thinkdoforward.com/– donde se han acumulado cientos de posts muy útiles a lo largo del tiempo.En esta obra he resumido mis conocimientos sobre SAP de forma puntual y sistemática. Mi objetivo con mis aportaciones y, por tanto, con el contenido de este libro es, en primer lugar, crear un efecto WOW y, en segundo lugar, transmitir conocimientos que son útiles pero que no se conocen de forma general.Este libro no le decepcionará si busca algo nuevo sobre los siguientes temas:SAP GUI – Trucos y consejos Análisis y configuración de SAP IDocs Información privilegiada sobre Customizing de SAP Características ocultas para el Debugging de ABAP Conocimientos importantes sobre la determinación de mensajes Conocimientos básicos sobre procesos SD Batch-Job-Setup y análisisStart reading now!
17. October 2023 New Release: Cálculo de Nómina en SAP by Antonio de Ancos Cid Espresso Tutorials is pleased to announce our latest Spanish-language book release Cálculo de Nómina en SAP by Antonio de Ancos Cid.Este libro se ha escrito pensando en todos los consejos que le hubiera gustado recibir al autor en los comienzos de su trabajo con SAP HR. Explica cómo se compone el cálculo de la nómina, cómo está estructurado el sistema y qué se hace en cada una de las partes para optimizar la gestión de recursos humanos. Esta guía proporciona herramientas para utilizar el programa de una forma más óptima y brinda soluciones de gestión de RR. HH. central, nómina, horarios, asistencia y absentismo (pagado/no pagado), alicuotación y retroactividad, entre otros. Finalmente, concluye con un caso práctico (revisión general) que permite realizar y repasar todos los conceptos tratados a lo largo de los capítulos. Una vez comprendida la estructura que ofrece SAP, se puede configurar el sistema de acuerdo con las necesidades de cada equipo para sacarle el máximo partido.Una guía práctica y completa del cálculo de nómina en SAP. Conceptos básicos: esquemas, reglas, funciones y operaciones. Incluye el cálculo bruto estándar y los subprocesos principales. En un lenguaje asequible y con un caso práctico de aplicación real.Antonio de Ancos Cid has been an SAP consultant since 1997 and an official SAP instructor since 2002, specializing in the areas of Human Resources and Technology.Antonio de Ancos Cid es consultor SAP desde el año 1997 e instructor oficial SAP desde el año 2002, especializado en las áreas de Recursos Humanos y Tecnología.Learn more!
10. October 2023 New Release: Practical Guide to SAP ABAP – Part1 Conceptual Design, Development, Debugging // プラクティカルガイドSAP ABAP パート1 設計・開発・デバッグ Don’t miss Espresso Tutorials’ latest Japanese-language book release translated by Yuto Kikuchi Practical Guide to SAP ABAP – Part1 Conceptual Design, Development, Debugging // プラクティカルガイドSAP ABAP パート1 設計・開発・デバッグ.This book offers a comprehensive practical guide to SAP ABAP for ABAP professionals. Part I of this two-part series lays the groundwork with ABAP basics. Readers will learn fundamental methods and procedures for everyday ABAP use— for example, how to download files from SAP directories to workstations. Dive into the SAP Data Dictionary and how it works. Get detailed information on effective debugging techniques and how to use the SAP Debugger. Clarify when it is best to use standard SAP tables vs. Z-tables. Get expert developer tips and tricks including how to navigate ALV grid lists. Understand the documentation programs available to you and how to use them. Obtain useful reference lists of SAP transactions and SAP database tables. By using practical examples, tips, and screenshots, the author brings readers up to speed on the fundamentals of SAP ABAP.How to get the most out of SAP ABAP Guide for understanding and using the SAP Data Dictionary Beginner and advanced debugging techniques Expert ABAP development techniques【本書はSAP S/4HANAをカバーしていません。】本書はABAPプログラマ向けの実用ガイドです。パート1ではABAPの基礎的な説明からスタートしています。例えば、ファイルのダウンロード方法やデータディクショナリの構成についてです。さらにABAP経験者でもあまり知られていない様々なデバッグテクニックやALVリストでユーザが行をダブルクリックしたときに詳細画面を表示する方法まで実践的な内容を盛り込んでいます。また、変更文書の更新方法やSE16でテーブルエントリの値をマニュアルで書き換える方法など知っておくと重宝する内容にも紙面を割きました。スクリーンショットを多用し、理解しやすい内容にしています。• ABAPの機能を最大限に活用する方法• データディクショナリの構成と使用方法• ウォッチポイントやシステムデバッガなどの様々なデバッグテクニック• メール送信や動的プログラミングなどの上級プログラマ向けの内容Learn more!
9. October 2023 New book release – Primeros pasos en SAP S/4HANA Don’t miss our latest Spanish-language book release Primeros pasos en SAP S/4HANA by Sebastian Brunner, Philipp Reichhardt, and Martin Munzel, and translated by Iñigo Montoya! Learn more. Esta guía de iniciación rápida nos será especialmente útil si es la primera vez que vamos a trabajar con el software de SAP o si venimos de un sistema SAP ERP y nos vamos a enfrentar a SAP S/4HANA. Pensada para todos los públicos, muestra una visión general concisa y clara de las funcionalidades y sirve de introducción a la nueva interfaz SAP Fiori.Empieza explicando los términos ERP, HANA y S/4HANA y las dos opciones de licenciamiento para S/4HANA: en local (on-premise) y en la nube; y termina mostrando los principales procesos de negocio integrados y cómo están mapeados en SAP S/4HANA mediante una serie de aplicaciones Fiori.Para ello, los autores realizan un recorrido por los módulos de logística como, por ejemplo, la gestión de materiales (compras), las ventas y distribución o la planificación y control de la producción, para mostrar a continuación la integración con la contabilidad financiera y el control de gestión (controlling).Aprenderemos las funcionalidades más importantes, los datos organizativos y datos maestros necesarios y los componentes principales de cada módulo.Finalmente, mediante ejemplos prácticos, seguiremos paso a paso los tres procesos de extremo a extremo más importantes en SAP S/4HANA: Lead-to-Cash (Order-to-cash), Purchase-to-Pay y Design-to-operate (Forecast-to-Fulfill).Presentación de los procesos de negocio a través de los diferentes módulos Los términos básicos del mundo SAP explicados de manera sencilla y entendible Introducción a la nueva interfaz de usuario SAP Fiori Material adicional: 4 horas de vídeo en nuestra plataforma online et.trainingStart reading now!
7. August 2023 Register now for free Journey to SAP S/4HANA event Don’t miss Journey to SAP S/4HANA September 19, 2023. This free virtual event will cover key technical and product changes in SAP S/4HANA. Session highlights include:System Conversion to SAP S/4HANA – Boris Rubarth, SAP SEMoving to SAP S/4HANA – How much should you change? – Janet Salmon, SAP SESAP Asset Manager: Prescriptive Statistics and Predictive Analytics – Nithyasree BalasubramanianIntroduction to SAP EWM-MFS – Dominik Tylczynski, VESLOGSAP Build: Democratization of Extensibility – Nithyasree BalasubramanianNew SAP S/4HANA Functionality in the Universal Journal – Paul Ovigele, ERPfixersRegister now! Thank you to our event sponsor insightsoftware.
31. July 2023 New 2nd Edition – Practical Guide to SAP GTS Don’t miss our newest publication – Practical Guide to SAP GTS Part 1: SPL Screening and Compliance Management by Kevin Riddell, Rajen Iyer, and Mouli Venkataraman. Start reading now!SAP Global Trade Services (GTS) helps companies maximize supply chain performance and reduces the overall cost and risk of global trade by ensuring regulatory compliance, accelerating trade activity, and enabling trade compliance automation. This updated 2nd edition to Practical Guide to SAP GTS helps the user navigate the system, while offering compliance insight to maximize their return on investment. Dive into difficult-to-navigate menus and review available functionality. Using screenshots and detailed instructions, readers will obtain best practices for meeting and exceeding compliance standards. Includes suggested audit plans to sustain long term compliance. The book is current to version SAP GTS for HANA GTS e4H and explores GTS Version for HANA and its new features in detail. In addition, includes information on the new Fiori-based Apps and UX developments, new features, and process improvements. This book covers:Tips and tricks for leveraging SAP GTS to automate trade compliance Overview of regulatory requirements and compliance suggestions Step-by-step walkthrough of business processes Review of SAP GTS for HANA GTS e4H with screenshots
10. July 2023 New French-language release: Le débogueur SAP pour développeurs et fonctionnels Espresso Tutorials is very pleased to announce our latest French-language book release Le débogueur SAP pour développeurs et fonctionnels by Nicolas Pontier. Keep reading to learn more. Comprendre un projet SAP implique bien évidemment de comprendre les flux métiers qui composent le scope de ce projet, mais aussi toute la partie tech- nique déjà en place ou à réaliser afin de saisir au mieux les besoins du client. Très vite, nous pouvons être confrontés à une problématique : le code ABAP qui, dans certains cas, peut être très complexe à appréhender. L’avantage d’un système SAP est qu’il est pourvu d’un débogueur très complet et performant. Ainsi, de nombreux fonctionnels et développeurs l’utilisent régulièrement afin de résoudre des problèmes plus ou moins difficiles. Cependant il n’existe pas de réelles aides de cet outil sur SAP et il est très rare d’avoir un guide expliquant ses différentes fonctionnalités. Grâce à ce livre, il est désormais possible de tenir tous les tenants et aboutissants du débogueur SAP. Ouvert à tous, il est un bon moyen aux équipes fonctionnelles d’utiliser les fonctions de base du débogueur SAP, et aux équipes de développement, d’approfondir leurs connaissances et d’accélérer leur analyse en ciblant avec précision, l’origine d’un problème ou l’endroit d’une mise à jour à mettre en place. La majorité des (nombreux) outils mis à disposition dans le débogueur SAP est traitée avec des exemples dont le code est à disposition afin que le lecteur puisse suivre et reproduire les exemples sur son système SAP.Aperçu de l’interface du débogueur SAP Explications d’outils spéciaux complexes mais très utiles Revue des principaux outils Exemples pour suivre et reproduire les cas étudiésLearn more!
6. July 2023 Hot off the presses – Practical Guide to Using Focused Build for SAP Solution Manager Hot off the presses – Practical Guide to Using Focused Build for SAP Solution Manager by Ausra Gustainiene and Domantas Mince. Start reading now!Dive into the world of SAP Solution Manager’s Focused Build application with this essential guide, designed to help you manage development and configuration activities effectively. This book aims to go beyond technical information and setup guides by sharing practical experiences, valuable tips, and insights on what works and what doesn’t. Understand the relationship between Focused Build and SAP Solution Manager, and explore the key features that can enhance your project management experience. Determine if Focused Build is the ideal tool for your projects. Familiarize yourself with Focused Build’s end-to-end processes and the various roles crucial for successful project implementation. Understand how to use Focused Build to document and prioritize requirements, approve implementation scope, and manage the build process with ease. This step-by-step guide shows you how to create work packages, deal efficiently with work items, correct errors, and handle changes in your projects. The key topics covered in this easy-to-follow guide include:Introduction to Focused Build for SAP Solution Manager Key features and benefits of Focused Build End-to-end requirements definition, project scoping, and build management Configuration overview and best practices
5. June 2023 New Book Release – Access Risk Management in SAP Don’t miss our latest release Access Risk Management in SAP by Adam Edwards, Bianca Folkerts, Tobias Sieg.Do you need expert guidance on how to plan, implement, and run access analyses? This book takes a practical approach to creating customer-specific SAP rulesets for compliance managers, GRC teams, identity and access management teams, as well as administrators who run these systems. Identify types of risk and the tools available. Take a look at use cases and tools for risk maintenance and explore how to optimize processes, the quality of authorization roles and concepts, the transparency of access rights to data, and functions for data and process owners. Explore key considerations for evaluating a tool for hosting and using a risk catalog. Take a look at the limitations of standard access risk catalogs and learn more about a methodology for customizing a standard risk catalog. Find out why the authors recommend starting with a small access risk catalog before moving on to more complex landscapes. Take away best practices for bringing end users up to speed.Considerations for hosting and using a risk catalog Limitations of standard access risk catalogs Methodology for customizing standard access risk catalogs Risk handling process
9. May 2023 New video tutorials – Material Requirements Planning in SAP S/4HANA Don’t miss the newest release on the SAP Library platform – Material Requirements Planning in SAP S/4HANA by Winfried Würzer. This set of video tutorials shows the planning run and its settings. Suitable for those new to the topic, as well for those migrating from SAP ECC, and manufacturing companies, retailers, or service providers. Extended planning in SAP S/4HANA (PP/DS) is not covered, as this requires a separate SAP license. The application functions are demonstrated with SAP GUI and SAP Fiori. In addition, customizing settings are shown in detail.General overview and innovations in SAP S/4HANA Material master and product master Master data customizing (plant parameters and MRP groups, MRP types, lot size procedures, special procurement keys, navigation profiles) Classic planning run MRP Live Sourcing Classic evaluations Evaluations with Fiori apps ForecastLearn more!