What is SAP Material Ledger?

116Excerpt from Practical Guide to SAP Material Ledger by Rosana Fonseca.

Overview: What is SAP Material Ledger?
The name SAP Material Ledger leads people to think this function resides under the materials management module (MM). In fact, SAP Material Ledger is a component of the product cost controlling (CO-PC) submodule of SAP Controlling (CO) and it is a subsidiary ledger for materials.

SAP CO is the management accounting module in SAP that contains several sub-modules for cost center accounting, overhead accounting, product cost controlling, and profitability analysis. Finance and accounting pertain to the financial accounting (FI) module. (more…)

Master Data in SAP Cost Center Accounting

192Excerpt from Practical Guide to SAP Cost Center Accounting by John Pringle.

One way of classifying data in SAP is to differentiate between items that are considered master data and items that are considered transactional data. In SAP, master data is relatively static data that is defined once and is shared throughout the application. Examples include vendors, customers, materials, general ledger accounts, cost centers, and profit centers. This master data then is used in transactional data such as invoices, accounting documents, and material movements. In an SAP implementation project, the structure and definition of master data should be thoroughly planned to reflect the needs of the business properly. Careful consideration should be given to such factors as numbering and naming the master data, permitted field values, and the ultimate reporting aims of the business. In this chapter, you will see the relevant master data available in CCA.


Introducing the universal journal: excerpt from First Steps in S/4HANA Finance


The universal journal (table ACDOCA) significantly changes the way
transactional data is stored for financial reporting. It offers huge benefits in terms of the ability to harmonize internal and external reporting requirements by having both read from the same document store where the account is the unifying element. You will still need to understand the different applications to the extent that you need to perform different business transactions in each application. This means that you still have to create general journal entries in General Ledger Accounting, acquire and retire assets in Asset Accounting, run allocations and settlement in Controlling, capitalize research and development costs in Investment Management, and so on, but in reporting, you read from one source, regardless of whether you want to supply data to your consolidation system, report to the tax authorities, or make internal management decisions.
