SAP Materials Management Tip: Create customized transaction layouts

28Tip on how to create customized transaction layouts by Matt Johnson, author of The SAP Material Master – a Practical Guide.

You will find that many SAP Materials Management transactional outputs and reports contain far more information than you need. This overload of information can cause you to waste time searching for the relevant data. Fortunately, you can tailor these outputs to show only the information that you are interested in.

Data flow in the context of revenue accounting


Free excerpt from Practical Guide to SAP FI-RA — Revenue Accounting and Reporting.

To begin our look at the technical treatment of data for this topic, we will use the following example of the data flow for a standard order (or customer contract) in SD, and in particular, in combination with the creation and processing of revenue accounting contracts (see Figure 2.2). The symbols used in the illustration each represent the objects and results from the relevant modules SD, FI-RA, and FI-GL.


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SAPInsightAccess 11 SAP books hand-selected for you by SAP Super User Leaders! The official SAP Super User Leader list of recommended books includes tips on the sections of each book most relevant to a super users. (more…)