Introduction to SAP HANA Advanced Modeling

SAP HANA Advanced Modeling CoverSAP HANA Advanced Modeling by Dominique Alfermann, Benedikt Engel, and Stefan Hartmann introduces you to advanced modeling techniques based on actual project experience as well as field tests. Our aim is to provide clear modeling recommendations for setting up data models, optimizing performance, using the SAP HANA modeler and development perspective, as well as efficiently solving complex requirements in SAP HANA. (more…)

Lockbox vs. Electronic Bank Statement

41jbwlpfucl-_sx311_bo1204203200_Excerpt From Electronic Bank Statement & Lockbox in SAP ERP

Lockbox vs. Electronic Bank Statement
How is the lockbox file different from the electronic bank statement file? The lockbox file contains the remittance information the customers have sent to the bank, for example amount and number by invoice. (more…)

Strategies for migrating from SAP BW to HANA

SAP BW to HANA Migration HandbookThere are many ways to move an existing SAP BW system on a traditional database to SAP BW on HANA, but there are really only two major strategies which most companies consider: New implementation (greenfield) and database migration. (more…)

Release and transfer of demand plan in SAP APO

106Excerpt from Demand Planning with SAP APO – Execution by Shreekant Shiralkar and Avijit Dutta.

Release and transfer of demand plan
Demand planning is the trigger for supply planning and production planning. This is possible when we make the demand plan available to supply planners and demand planners; after verifying the appropriate release and transfer of the demand plan to the supply system and production system respectively. In this chapter, we will introduce various mass processing and verification methods for carrying out independent consensus demand plan release and transfer to their target system. Once it is successfully released, transferred, and verified, we allow the next planning activities to take place
including supply planning and production planning. (more…)

Key Figures in SAP APO

105Excerpt from Demand Planning with SAP APO – Concepts and Design by Shreekant Shiralkar and Avijit Dutta.

Key figures
Key figures constitute one of the main building blocks for the planning area as demand planning revolves around them. Key figures represent the parameters that have numerical values.

Examples of key figures are: sales history, sales forecast, revenue, etc. (more…)