3 SAP GTS Tips

100In this excerpt from Espresso Tutorials Virtual Book Club Meeting: Practical Guide to SAP GTS transcript, SAP GTS best-selling authors and experts Rajen Iyer and Kevin Riddell share a practical SAP GTS tip.  

Rajen Iyer: I have several, but I think I’ll pick two which I guess are a little bit more technical. One thing we’ve found is a solution and implementation. People look at it, you know … It starts with more of IT, but then we reach out to the business. I would look at this more from a business perspective. What I mean by that is, is look at your processes, what you’re doing today, and you need to look at it from the basic fundamental of do you have the basics that are available in terms of how you’re managing your trade process, your classification, your key division with your logistics and supply chain, and make those decisions, before you start into this whole journey. That’s really key. If you have done that, your software implementation, or GTS trade implementation becomes smoother and easier. (more…)

Congrats to the Göttingen all-district soccer league!

IMG_5329Congrats to the Göttingen all-district soccer league!  This group of determined 10-year olds won second place in the district championship. Congrats boys! We look forward to sponsoring your team again in the future.

What is SAP S/4HANA?

Martin Sydnie Award Resized
Authors Sydnie McConnell and Martin Munzel. Sydnie was the winner of the 2015 SAP Controlling Community award.

What is SAP S/4HANA? 
S/4 HANA is the next-generation SAP business suite (short for SAP Business Suite 4 SAP HANA), similar to the transition between R/2 and R/3. It is built on SAP HANA, with modern design principles and user interfaces. It also offers tremendous simplifications and innovations. With
the massive technology improvements provided by HANA, the business suite can now combine many tools and tables that had to be maintained separately in the past. For example, in the past, integration among different systems (e. g., ERP, CRM, SCM) had to be done by replicating data between several systems. Now, they can now all run quickly and easily on the same database. This can help drastically improve an organization’s data footprint. (more…)

What is SAP Material Ledger?

116Excerpt from Practical Guide to SAP Material Ledger by Rosana Fonseca.

Overview: What is SAP Material Ledger?
The name SAP Material Ledger leads people to think this function resides under the materials management module (MM). In fact, SAP Material Ledger is a component of the product cost controlling (CO-PC) submodule of SAP Controlling (CO) and it is a subsidiary ledger for materials.

SAP CO is the management accounting module in SAP that contains several sub-modules for cost center accounting, overhead accounting, product cost controlling, and profitability analysis. Finance and accounting pertain to the financial accounting (FI) module. (more…)

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