SAP GTS Preference Compliance Tips

100Excerpt on preference compliance tips from Practical Guide to SAP GTS Part 2: Preference and Customs Management.

Claiming of preference
It is a generally true statement to say that preference agreements and claiming preference status are voluntary things. You typically never have to claim preferential status. Most customs regulations allow for importing general goods without special status. For members of the World Trade Organization, this typically is referred to as claiming the Most Favored Nation (MFN) tariff. (more…)

Meet Espresso Tutorials Author Ann Cacciottoli

Author Ann Cacciottoli playing with her band.

Meet Espresso Tutorials author Ann Cacciottoli. Ann is the author of First Steps in SAP Financial Accounting (FI) and First Steps in SAP FI Configuration.

How did you get your start with SAP?
I was an accounting manager in a large company that was struggling after numerous acquisitions. Centralizing accounting and finance functions on a common platform was an imperative for continued growth. I was recruited into the IT group to represent the accounting and finance stakeholders during a vendor selection process. When the company selected SAP, much to the dismay of the VP of Finance, I asked to remain part of the IT group. I liked what I saw and wanted to be a part of it.


Excerpt from What on Earth is an SAP IDoc?

130Excerpt from Chapter 1 of What on Earth is an SAP IDoc? by Jelena Perfiljeva.

Every academic book begins with a rather long chapter on definitions and other important, but super boring stuff. I do not like that at all and always end up flipping past those pages to get to juicier parts with the screenshots. After all, as Alice once wisely noted: “…and what is the use of a book without pictures or conversations?” (“Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland”, by Lewis Carroll). Indeed. So why don’t I just show you an IDoc instead of talking about it? (more…)

Meet Espresso Tutorials Author Jelena Perfiljeva

Jelena at Legoland
Author Jelena Perfiljeva at LEGOLAND with her son

Meet our newest Espresso Tutorials author Jelena Perfiljeva! Jelena is the author of What on Earth is an SAP IDoc?. Stay tuned Friday for an excerpt from her book.

How did you get your start with SAP and SAP development?

It started purely by accident. I was working at a company that was migrating a legacy mainframe ERP system to SAP and there happened to be an opening in the project team. As Woody Allen said, “Eighty percent of success is showing up.” (more…)

How to convert a purchase requisition into a purchase order (plus how to save $5 off)

39Excerpt from The SAP Material Master – a Practical Guide.

Save $5 off of the print copy using code LSTWKTH8. Click here to save $5 now.

The purchase order is the document that is sent to the external business partner, usually by the purchasing department.

Before the purchase requisition can be processed further, it has to be released by the specialist department and/or cost center controlling. (more…)

New release: First Steps in SAP FI Configuration Excerpt

137Posting periods
Posting period represents the accounting period in which the transaction will be recorded. A detailed discussion on posting period configuration is beyond the scope of this text; however, because the posting dates for accounting entries must fall within the posting period definitions, some discussion is warranted. (more…)