The world is filled with two kinds of people: a handful of people who are masters of Excel, and the millions of others who wish they were If you’ve mastered Microsoft Excel 2016, then you have one of the most practical and valuable skill sets in all of modern business. A spreadsheet guru can work wonders – from organizing lists, to creating multi-layered, interactive reports, to revealing answers to businesses’ critical questions like ROI, budget allocations, tracking expenditures, and more. This course builds on your existing knowledge of Excel and teaches you how to use links, lookup functions, macros, data tables, and more. This is our most requested training course! If you learn to use Excel 2016, you will start to see how useful it is in your life – from formatting your grocery list to calculating complex ROI values. If you are an experienced Excel user, let our Microsoft Certified Trainers, Barbara Evers and Christina Tankersley, walk you through some advanced tools that will expand the usefulness of your Microsoft Excel 2016. Topics covered include: Using Scenarios and Goal Seek Working with Macros Tracing Precedent and Dependent Cells Comparing and Merging Workbooks Using 3D References Using Data Forms and Form Controls Lesson Introduction Creating Internal Links Creating External Links Using Paste Special Using Group Mode Using 3D References Consolidating Data Adding Comments Tracking Changes Co-Authoring, Part 1 Co-Authoring, Part 2 Using Sheet Views Using Compare and Merge Preparing to Share Adding Digital Signatures Protecting Worksheets Protecting Workbook Structure Protecting a Workbook File Applying Data Validation Adding a Dropdown List Customizing Data Validation Recording a Macro Running a Macro Editing a Macro Using VLOOKUP, Part 1 Using VLOOKUP, Part 2 Using XLOOKUP More Lookup Functions Using Array Formulas Tracing Formulas Addressing Formula Errors Watching and Evaluating Formulas Adding Error Handling Working with Information Functions Using Goal Seek Forecasting with Data Tables Using Solver Forecasting with Scenarios Forecasting Data Trends Inserting Symbols and Special Characters Creating Sparklines Creating a Map Chart Creating a 3D Map Tour Creating Custom Lists Importing and Exporting Data Creating a Web Query Using Data Types Working with Forms Using ActiveX Controls Ideas in Office 365