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Fabian Bentz
Three quick tips from Reporting for SAP Asset Accounting by Thomas Michael, CEO of Michael Management.
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Alternative Transaction to Run Reports
If you do not have authorization to run transaction SE38, alternatively, you can use transaction SA38.
Opportunity for Lowering Tax Payments
Tax departments are responsible for correct tax payments, including property taxes, and they have an interest in keeping tax payments to a minimum. Downloading the Real Estate and Similar Rights report to Excel and adding a column that calculates the difference between actual acquisition cost and assessed value can help identify assets with large discrepancies between these two numbers. These can then be analyzed for a possible reduction in assessed values, thus providing an opportunity for lowering tax payments.
When to include & exclude Capital Investment Measures
If you run the Mid-Quarter Alert report for the current year in order to forecast if your company will be in or close to a mid-quarter alert situation make sure to include the existing capital investment measures (internal orders, WBS elements, appropriation requests, investment program positions) in this report. This will produce the most accurate midquarter alert report possible assuming that you have maintained the depreciation simulation data on the investment measures. If you, however, run this report for a prior, already closed fiscal year you normally would not include the investment measures since all actual settlements have already taken place. In this case you don’t want to include planed capital investments because the year has already been closed.
This tightly-focused guide zeroes in on the crucial reporting options available in SAP for Fixed Assets Accounting, teaching readers how to manage and supervise fixed assets with the SAP ERP Financials Asset Accounting (FI-AA) component.
Based on ECC 6.0, the author sheds light on the complete reporting solution for the Asset Accounting sub-module of SAP. You will learn about standard SAP ERP-delivered asset reports, including balance-based reports and transaction-based reports. You will also expand your knowledge of asset-specific reporting tools such as sort versions, simulation versions, currency translations, plus how to effectively use all the Asset Accounting reporting options at your disposal.
– Basic Asset Accounting Reporting Features – Balance Reports – Transaction Reports – Asset History Sheet Report – Specialty Reports – US Tax Reporting – Reporting Tools
Thomas Michael is a native of Germany and has been involved in SAP consulting and development since 1993. Over the years, he has worked with an impressive array of clients all over the US and Europe and his clients and peers consider him one of the leading Fixed Assets experts in the SAP space. As the CEO of the Michael Management Corporation ( he speaks and writes widely about SAP issues. Tom has authored numerous books, articles and white papers covering a variety of topics. Also, Tom is a regular speaker at national SAP conferences and other venues.